Creating a New Year

This year is going to be different. This year I’m really going to make things happen and get what I want. Have you ever heard yourself say these words only to see more fizzle than sizzle in that year? I sure have.

I have also started many a year not really sure what I wanted, or if I had an idea, big or small — I didn’t know what to do about it. In earlier days there were actually many Januarys that I spent in a depressed state of mind because the fun and lights of Christmas were gone and life seemed dark and dreary.

2018 is a New Year, and it IS going to be new, it’s going to be exciting and definitely different. Here’s why. I’ve asked and answered some questions recently that give me a new perspective on creating the life I want. Adding this to a few things I already knew (and sometimes forgot to practice), I believe I now have a successful formula for creating and making things happen. Perhaps this will have relevance for you, too, and your vision for 2018.

  • What is my WHY? It’s not enough to set goals or make resolutions. We’ve all done that and seen them fall by the wayside in short time. WHY do I want what I am saying I want? You see goals are just words on page or thoughts in the mind – they are static.It’s the WHY that makes it happen. The WHY gets me into my emotions — my feelings. Emotion is energy – it drives action. The WHY gives meaning to my goal. It is necessary to create a vision that will keep me focused and in action.
  • What am I willing to change or dedicate a significant portion of my life to bring this dream into the world? Answering this question is huge for me. I took an honest look at some things that aren’t working, and change in my outside world has already started.What changes am I willing to make on the inside of me? If I am passionate about my WHYS, there is no longer space available for self-doubt. I must be willing to speak up and be willing to be seen. That’s a bigger step than I would like to admit.
  • As I list my wants and WHYS, I don’t ever want to forget that I am not doing it alone. I must stay aware that Source is always with me in my quests. Who knows — there may be more amazing things in store for me than I can conceive of at this moment. Stay open and listen.
  • When starting something new, “shoot from 4 feet.” I may have a big dream with much to accomplish in getting there. Trying to hit the target 100 feet away that I’m not ready for may be discouraging, in fact cause me to stumble and fail. Let the success of small victories build the confidence to rise higher.

My dream and passion is to see the book, “Who’s Pulling My Strings?” a success – being bought and read by people everywhere, and making a positive difference in their lives. Of course when I first wrote the book, I had grandiose dreams of Oprah wanting to interview me – definitely this was a 100 foot target. When the book was published, I didn’t really do anything much to promote it. In fact in my real estate business world I was reticent to even talk about my self-help book. I was caught up in thinking about me, and not focused on the WHY of my dream.

So now I am “shooting from 4 feet,” and open and talking to anyone about it, committed to blogging weekly, and willing to speak for free anywhere. What a difference, and it feels good. This is how commitment to the WHY is working for me.

My wish for you as we go into 2018 is that you find your WHY for any dream you have, large or small, and that this WHY fuels you to take action to bring it to life. God only knows where it might take you!


  1. Claudia Bubeck on December 31, 2017 at 11:45 pm

    WOW!! You have a lot to give and tell about.
    Right now I am grieving Irene’s death and can’t think about NY resolutions. (Anyway, I never am able to keep them.)
    Happy New Year to you, Mardi.
    Claudia Bubeck

  2. Mary Ann on January 1, 2018 at 7:14 am

    VERY POWERFUL—-an empowering at the same time! Great perspective for us all to consider as we move forward into the New Year. Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and successful 2018.

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