Life and Miracles

In the midst of my meditation this morning a word — MIRACLE — suddenly appeared in my mind’s eye. This after spending the week ruminating on a myriad of thoughts, searching for the just right word or thought for this blog.

This word – MIRACLE – couldn’t be more perfect. I get to share with you an experiment I’ve been playing with that is now becoming a constant practice.

I have a favorite meditation I like to listen to in the morning, and I realize I am motivated to listen because I want to I hear the voice say these words which are attributed to Albert Einstein.

“There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Here’s what happens when I hear these words – first I imagine that nothing is a miracle – my body feels tired and heavy, my mind’s thoughts are discouraging and full of dread. Basically, my energy “sucks,” and I don’t want to get out of bed. There is darkness.

I then quickly switch to imagining that everything is a miracle —  in an instant my energy shifts. The energy surrounding me becomes light and bright. I can’t wait to get out of bed – anything is possible today! In my body the feeling difference between the two is palpable. If ever I had doubts in the past, I now have certainty that we are made of energy.

It is easy throughout the day as “life happens” to have moments of forgetting, letting stressful thoughts invade and the light dim. This is why I find it important to have those few seconds in the morning experiencing how it feels to believe nothing is a miracle. This awareness helps me catch the stressful thoughts quickly when they come, and to remember that I believe everything is a miracle.

My energy shifts instantly when I remember. It feels like magic is in the air – it feels like a miracle!So, what’s the definition for the word MIRACLE? Webster’s Dictionary says it is:

  1. An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.
  2. An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.

I also thought I’d better check out what the study course, “A Course in Miracles” has to say, since, after all, it is all about MIRACLES. In a few sentences:

  1. A miracle is a “shift in perception,” or a change in the way we feel and think.
  2. It is a correction in perception, removing the blocks of fear and guilt in the mind, allowing a glimpse of timeless joy.
  3. According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, it is a shift in perception from fear to love. “I am able to more readily shift my perception and allow miracles to unfold.”

It all makes total sense to me. This is what I now know and embrace: When I am full of the energy of believing that everything is a miracle, I become the miracle. I get out of the way of goodness and allow grace and ease and joy to flow – to touch not only my life, but that of everyone around me.

I invite you to embrace this possibility and experiment with it in your life. It is a miracle. And, I would love to hear your experiences with this experiment.


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